Do you have stomach cramps or bloating?
Let's talk!
Irritable Bowel Disease (IBd)
There is a success rate on the FODMAP diet; however, everyone can react differently. There are numerous triggers for IBD and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and we will decide the best treatment for your needs while exploring other food intolerances.
Fat, carbohydrate or lactose malabsorption can be mediated with the proper dietary intervention. I will help you to restore the optimal nutrition status for your body as required after proper assessment.
Improve your Gut
Probiotics have various health benefits! They keep your body healthy and working well. Do not forget your good friends, and let's give your body the boost it needs to work perfectly.
Coeliac Disease
It is critical to have a nutritional assessment and establish nutritional adequacy. If you are newly diagnosed, I will help you to identify any misleading information on food labels, among others.
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